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What are the advantages of a raw diet?


A raw food diet is designed to closely mimic the natural eating habits of cats and dogs, providing them with the essential nutrients they require. This approach offers numerous health benefits to your pets, ensuring they receive optimal nutrition.


Raw food diets have been linked to several advantages, including:


  1. Improved Overall Health: Raw food diets have demonstrated their ability to help pets manage common health issues such as flea infestations, hot spots, excessive shedding, dental and gum problems, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, immune system disorders, and degenerative diseases.

  2. Foundation for Good Health: It's widely acknowledged that a pet's diet serves as the cornerstone of their well-being. The freshness of the diet is crucial, as it provides a rich source of nutrients that support the immune system, facilitate recovery from illnesses, and bolster resistance against diseases (Healthy Pet Journal, 2007).

  3. Enhanced Vitality: Many pet owners notice that their furry companions become more playful, energetic, and happier when on a raw food diet. Their coats often become shinier, and their stools tend to be smaller, firmer, and quickly decompose.


In summary, a raw food diet for pets offers a natural and nutritious approach that can lead to improved health and overall well-being. Discover the positive effects of this dietary choice for your beloved animals.

Is a raw meat diet suitable for my pet's balanced nutrition?

Dogs and cats are classified as carnivores, which means their natural diet primarily consists of animal proteins, providing them with essential vitamins and minerals.

Neither dogs nor cats have a physiological necessity for plant-based foods. Cats, in particular, are obligate carnivores, indicating their limited tolerance for plant-based ingredients in their diets. While dogs can benefit from a small amount of vegetable matter in their diet to enhance nutrient intake and fiber content, they still require a balanced mix of animal components to maintain their overall health.

For an ideal diet, aim for 80-85% muscle meat, 10% edible bone, and 5-10% organ meats to ensure your dogs and cats receive the necessary nutrients for a complete diet.

How Much Should I Feed My Pet?

Determining the right amount to feed your pet depends on various factors, primarily their ideal adult body weight.

In general, most cats and dogs typically require a daily food intake equivalent to 2-3% of their ideal adult body weight. Smaller dogs tend to fall towards the higher end of this range, while larger dogs lean towards the lower end. However, it's important to note that individual variations arise due to differences in activity level, age, and metabolism speed among pets.

For highly active animals, such as those with vigorous exercise routines, some may even require up to 5% of their body weight in daily food intake to maintain their energy levels.

Finding the right balance for your pet's specific needs is essential to ensure their optimal health and well-being.

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Can I combine dry and raw pet food in my pet's diet?

Absolutely, you have the freedom to choose what to feed your pet. While an exclusively raw diet offers superior nutritional benefits, there are various  reasons why people choose to feed both dry and raw food. Factors such as cost, convenience, or a lack of confidence in feeding raw food may influence your decision. It's important to note that any raw food added to your pet's diet contributes valuable nutrition – some is better than none.

However, if possible, it's advisable to feed raw and processed dry food separately during different meals. This separation is recommended because these two types of food are digested at different rates. The slower digestion of processed dry food can impede the passage of raw food through the animal's digestive system. Furthermore, the added sugars and starches in processed food can create an environment conducive to bacterial growth and may lead to stomach upsets.

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